

SeRNity testimony from LBoogie Hicks on Vimeo.





"Good Morning I just wanted to tell you how much I really do appreciate you. Its funny how when I leave you, im feeling fine and by the second day my body reminds me of how great our workouts are. I've never had a desire of working out until NOW. You motivated me quietly yet loud with your desire to see results with your clients and that right there is a gift. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you every week like always". 




 "If you are looking for accountability and results then you are looking for SeRNity fitness. Lashawn is firm and results oriented. She educated and motivates her clients. I had been to several other PTs before, with 0 to little results. Coming to LaShawn i was frustrated but hopeful. She keeps me focused on my goals and I am happy to see results and motivated to keep going focused on my goal!"




"The first picture is me in June 2019, when I decided that I had truly had enough and that I wanted to workout but with purpose!!!! I had just been to the  doctor and he informed me that my a1c was 9% down from my original 11.9%, but I had diabetes a total of 4 years by now. I started my journey on July 1 by walking in the park and documenting it on Instagram, Shawn reached out to me and said let me help you and my first session was on July 13. And every session has been worth it, the confidence I've gained from achieving my weight loss goals, to the challenging exercises that she has shown me that "I can do", and to now having enough confidence to try on this black dress!!!! And the most important and significant accomplishment that Boog and I have accomplished together is my A1C dropped from 9% to 5.8 in 6 months. Meaning, I'm no longer considered diabetic but prediabetic🙌🙌🙌 and no more tingling toes and fingers, We did that Boog. Thank you Shawn for your patience. The motivation that you give in every session, to your example of dedication. You are #Goals a hard working successful MSN/ENTREPRENEUR black woman🙌🙌🙌!!! We not done with each other yet".